My Fifth Dragon Con (And the Best One Ever)

Dragon Con 2016 Thor Cosplay

I’ve had some good Dragon Cons, I’ve had some great Dragon Cons, and I’ve had some horrible Dragon Cons…but until this year, I’d never experienced a perfect Dragon Con.

More than anything else, this is because I have absolutely found MY PEOPLE. Throughout the past five years, I’ve made friends and lost friends (never by choice, mind you), and among all of that, I’ve grown closer to some people and pushed others away. I’m only human, after all.

But it was this year that I finally realized that I was surrounded by an absolutely amazing group of friends. Some were old, some were new. Some I saw every day, some I saw only twice. What mattered is that we were there, we hung out, and we had fun.

Thursday was my “no way am I going to cosplay” day, and yet we ended up with a roving group of Pokemon Go Team Valor members with a Pokestop and lure. We didn’t get a lot of pictures, but we did get a lot of shout outs…although it was hard to keep our mouths shut when people got insistent about being on Team Instinct or, more especially, Team Mystic πŸ˜‰

Dragon Con 2016 Pokemon Go Team Valor

Dragon Con 2016 Pokemon Go Team Valor

Dragon Con 2016 Pokemon Go Team Valor

Thursday night was Bunny Hutch, and the first time I’ve participated in the Playboy Bunny costume…thing. We had a group of Hunger Games characters, and though we never did find our Katniss, I had a blast as Bunny Hutch Effie Trinkett!

Dragon Con 2016 Bunny Hutch Effie Trinkett Hunger Games

Dragon Con 2016 Bunny Hutch Effie Trinkett Hunger Games

Dragon Con 2016 Bunny Hutch Effie Trinkett Hunger Games

Honestly, I expected Friday to be an easy day. It was the one day I wasn’t on any panels, and I was just wearing another Cersei cosplay…but I had more people take my picture than the previous two times I wore Cersei cosplays at Dragon Con. I have to be honest…I completely credit my awesome wig πŸ˜‰

Dragon Con 2016 Cersei Lannister Cosplay

Dragon Con 2016 Cersei Lannister Cosplay Iron Throne

Friday night was something of a mess, if only because Brian and I cosplayed Charlie and Dee from the “The Gang Beats Wade Boggs” episode of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Yes, we started with the tallies from the beginning of that episode, but thirteen beers later, it was obvious that I was doing my Dee Reynolds best to try to keep up.

Dragon Con 2016 It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Cosplay The Gang Beats Boggs

Dragon Con 2016 It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia The Gang Beats Boggs Cosplay

Dragon Con 2016 It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Cosplay The Gang Beats Boggs


Dragon Con 2016 It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Cosplay The Gang Beats Boggs

Saturday was the day I finally debuted my original Disney Princess Kylo Ren at a convention. Thankfully, my lovely friend Tanya also made a Disney Princess Leia cosplay, and even though my gown was hot as hell and I was on a panel at 2:30 – meaning I couldn’t just hang out and get pictures taken of me all afternoon – I thoroughly enjoyed portraying this original character and can’t wait to do so again!

Dragon Con 2016 Disney Princess Kylo Ren Disney Princess Leia

My first panel was “Game of Thrones: Concepts of Honor” and despite some hiccups I really enjoyed most of my fellow panelists and the discussions that ensued. As soon as it was finished, I was ready to change out of the heavy, hot Disney Princess Kylo Ren cosplay I was sporting, and after a bit of rest Brian and I donned some silly Thor costumes, put together a bunch of signs, and lugged a trash bag full of mini Mjolnirs to the Westin in order to campaign against our friend Scott, who was cosplaying Loki…

Dragon Con 2016 Thor Campaign

Dragon Con 2016 Thor Campaign

Despite the fact that we never met up with Scott at the Heroes & Villains Ball at the Westin (we got in almost right away but alas, he arrived too late and got stuck in line), we did camp out at the Pulse bar in the Marriott and mock several other Lokis…and eventually Scott, as well, who was a very good sport and even had an “I <3 TS” tank top under his Loki cosplay!

Saturday was supposed to be my “take it easy, go to bed at a decent time” night, but as Dragon Con would have it, that didn’t happen. This meant that getting up for my 11:30 AM panel on Sunday was a bit rough, but thankfully I rallied and that panel – “Netflix, Cable, and the Mainstream” – was my favorite of the three I was on that weekend πŸ™‚

When I finally got back to the room, it was time to get into cosplay. I was wearing a tuxedo and a borrowed wig as Pearl from Mr. Greg (thanks again to my friend Carly for lending me her wig!), so it wasn’t a time-consuming cosplay…I was just too lazy to get out ofΒ  bed and wear it to my panel.

Dragon Con 2016 Steven Universe Cosplay Pearl Mr. Greg

Honestly, I was again surprised at how many people loved my Pearl cosplay. I’m pretty tall, and not particularly slim (not like Pearl, I mean)…and although my friend Bekah did a great job with my makeup, I certainly didn’t go all out like some Pearl cosplayers did. I did, however, get to sing “It’s Over, Isn’t It” several times, which kind of made may day. (Someone even snapchatted me doing it. I wish I could have seen that…)

Also, I got to meet Will Friedle! He was very interested in my current state of affairs (it’s apparently a thing he does, asking what he calls ‘somewhat uncomfortable questions’) and it was overall a fun five minute conversation πŸ˜‰

Dragon Con 2016 Will Friedle

Sunday evening I was on another panel – the American Sci-Fi Fantasy Media track’s “The Expanse: Politics and Power” discussion. While I enjoyed the panel, I was previously unaware that The Expanse was based on books – completely my bad, but as someone who watched and loved and knew the show on its own, I suddenly understand how Game of Thrones fans feel when they go to a show panel and people can’t stop bringing up the novels.

I have to admit, that tuxedo ended up being very hot (not generally uncomfortable, just hot), and I was ready to change out of it and into my “Party Hufflepuff” outfit. At this point I was all play and no work, after all, and despite claiming yet again that I would go to bed at a decent time, of course that didn’t happen. This was, after all, the last night of Dragon Con.

Dragon Con 2016 Hufflepuff Cosplay

Dragon Con 2016 Hufflepuff Cosplay

Dragon Con 2016 Hufflepuff Cosplay

In fact, we had an afterparty in our hotel room, and not surprisingly, had security called on us. What can I say? I invited three friends, and each of those friends brought a half dozen or more people with them. I’m not going to say I regret it, though I do understand that at least one of our neighbors was pissed, and I am sorry for that.

We were up and out of the room on time Monday, though I’m seriously considering adding Monday night to our room reservation next year. I love the Hyatt, and I try to use the elevators as little as possible, but when it’s necessary – such as that one thing you can’t carry up or down the stairs during mass checkout time – man is it a pain in the ass. The best part was that we were still able to take our time visiting the vendor hall (finally, the first time I’d done so all weekend), eating a decent sit-down meal, and then still being able to get our car and get home by dinnertime. I even got to leave some Thor signs behind not far from where they were created…

Except for the fact that the Hyatt valet *lost* our car for a good thirty minutes. Don’t even get me started on that.

Were there some snags at Dragon Con 2016? Of course. I ran into one person i didn’t need to see far too many times. I missed a couple of panels because I couldn’t bring myself to walk all the way to the Sheraton to visit disability services (as press, I pick up my pass in the Hyatt). I absolutely ate pizza that was not fully cooked at one point (and that’s why that pizza place in the food court didn’t have a line; lesson learned).

Dragon Con 2016 Thor Cosplay

The thing is, I’ve finally found my Dragon Con niche. I enjoyed wandering through the Walk of Fame. I loved being able to participate in three panels. But above all, my friends made this Dragon Con great. I could never name them all, but they know who they are. Thank you. Thank you for reminding me how amazing and fun and drama-free people can be. Thank you for the cosplays, and the drinks. Thank you for the laid back hangouts, and the crazy nights. This Dragon Con was my best Dragon Con because of all of you.

Two Weeks ‘Til Dragon Con 2016!

I’ll be honest – this year, it’s been really hard for me to “get into” Dragon Con. I’ve been out straight with traveling in general as well as being a Guest at MegaCon over Memorial Day weekend and a Pro at SDCC last month, not to mention some major personal changes that I’ve made (so far they’ve all turned out fairly well, so yay to that!). But now there’s just two weeks until DCon – and less than that before I actually arrive in Atlanta – and needless to say, I’m feeling the crunch. Before I get into all of that, though, here are the panels where you’ll be able to find me!

Game of Thrones: Concepts of Honor – Saturday 9/3 at 2:30 PM
Netflix, Cable, and the Mainstream – Sunday 9/4 at 11:30 AM
The Expanse: Politics and Priorities – Sunday 9/4 at 5:30 PM

All of these panels are with Dragon Con’s American Sci-Fi & Fantasy Media track and if they’re in the same place as the past couple of years, the panels will be in an M300 room at the Marriott πŸ™‚

As for cosplay, while about half of my costumes are ones I’ve worn before and the new ones don’t involve much work, several of them are still only listed as “possible” costumes because I’m just not sure I’ll have the time or money to finish them all properly.

For instance, why can’t I button up the tuxedo jacket that I have? I don’t know, and I’m afraid to do too much to mess with it because it seems that’s not what it’s made for, even though that makes no sense to me. I mean, I’ve never worn a tuxedo jacket before, but I assumed they are all meant to be buttoned up if you want to wear them that way, and apparently I was wrong about that. I suppose I can always just pin it shut…because cosplay, ha.

(Really though, don’t even ask me how I’m going to pull off Bunny Hutch Effie, because I’m not at all certain about that, either.)

So here is my tentative cosplay list so far, as it were:

Dragon Con 2016 Costumes


Disney Princess Kylo Ren

This Disney Princess Kylo Ren cosplay was an idea that was put into my head at MegaCon back in May, and since then I’ve worked tirelessly to put these pieces together. I wanted to do a trial run anyway, as I plan on wearing this at Dragon Con, and wow am I glad I did…if only because wearing it out and about made me realize that there’s no way this is a full-day Dragon Con cosplay πŸ˜‰

The pieces I brought together for this particular cosplay (other than the black wig, ha) are a black Quinceanara dress that I found online (needs a bit of fitting still…somehow), a Kylo Ren lightsaber (obviously), and a headpiece inspired by the pattern on Kylo Ren’s mask.

I have a couple other touches that I plan on making, but it was a bit too hot in Greenville to bother with them this evening. I’m still pretty darn happy with this trial run, though, and can’t wait to add the hood/cape, a special necklace, and probably some fake eyelashes for when I wear it at Dragon Con.

Here are some of my favorite pictures from my little photoshoot in downtown Greenville today, courtesy of my friend Bekah, who tried her best to work with people and weird lighting and took some great photos πŸ™‚

Disney Princess Kylo Ren

Disney Princess Kylo Ren

Disney Princess Kylo Ren

Disney Princess Kylo Ren

Disney Princess Kylo Ren

Disney Princess Kylo Ren

Disney Princess Kylo Ren

Disney Princess Kylo Ren

Disney Princess Kylo Ren

Disney Princess Kylo Ren

Disney Princess Kylo Ren

Disney Princess Kylo Ren

Disney Princess Kylo Ren

Disney Princess Kylo Ren