Proving My Point: Alec Peters & Bullying in Fandom, An Interlude

In the past few days I’ve had to revisit my original plan for this series due to two developments. Therefore, in an attempt to keep part 2 at a more readable length, I wanted to make this brief interlude post.

Perhaps I should have opened part 1 of this series on my experiences with Alec Peters and bullying in fandom with the following disclosure: I understand that by writing about my experiences dealing with a person like Alec Peters, I open myself up to more harassment and threats (because yes, I have been threatened with lawsuits by AP before, and as you will see in part 2 and beyond, threatening people with lawsuits and often following through with them is a favorite tactic of his).

As if to prove my point about Peters and his followers, within 10 hours of my first post there were already libelous comments full of false allegations made by someone in the Alec Peters camp.

You can of course – at least as of my posting this at around 11:50 PM Eastern on 1/27/23 – view these comments on my previous entry.

(This is not the first time Alec Peters or someone in his camp tried to say I was involved in some sort of “conspiracy” to do something bad to AP and/or his girlfriend when of course I have never been involved in anything of the sort, so yes, there is much more to come regarding these types of disparaging remarks and accusations that have been wrongfully levied against me…but this particular one is certainly a new one, and so beyond ridiculous that it would be outright hilarious…IF it weren’t so frighteningly obvious that they are continuing to go out of their way to convince people I have done them wrong when, again, I have done nothing of the sort.)

Additionally, within about 24 hours of my posting part 1, for the first time in my LONG history utilizing WordPress and running a blog and then this website through this platform, someone attempted to “hack” (for lack of a better word) into my WordPress account, resulting in my receiving two emails notifying me that someone was attempting to change my password.

To be fair, the latter could have been unrelated, but considering said long history without a single attempt of this sort, the timing is, as they say, extremely sus. Especially as anyone with half a brain – including anyone who has used WordPress before – would know that you can’t change a password on an account without access to the email address attached to that account – which begs the question, was this perhaps just a scare attempt by a person who knew that I would receive the notifications that someone was attempting to reset my password?

Either way, therein lies the heart of the matter – why I am calling out the behavior that I have personally experienced at the hands of Alec Peters and his followers. As I’ve already stated, Alec Peters of all people joining and touting his membership in a supposed anti-bullying group was the impetus – but as someone who has prided myself on being a person who called out this sort of awful, toxic behavior time and time again in the past, it was really past time for me to do so in regards to this situation.

Now, having put that information out there, stay tuned for part 2, which I will hopefully have ready to post tomorrow!

Previous installment:
Part 1: I’m not a Star Trek Fan
Continue reading:
Part 2: I’m not an “Axanar Hater”

Part 3: I’m Not Perfect
Interlude 2: Too Little, Too Late?
Part 4: I’m Not Required to Ignore Attacks Against Me
Part 5: I’m Going to Protect My Family
Interlude 3: The Aftermath of an Interview